Do more of Wisconsin's citizens benefit, or lose if Governor Walker's bill is passed and signed into law? I believe this is the most crucial question the various parties can ask themselves. Reports suggest that the public employees are willing to agree to the wage and benefit reductions. So if the collective bargaining rights for public employees are lost, will private sector employees benefit? Or Lose? Why? Will tax payers benefit? Or lose? Why? Will families with school age children benefit? Or lose? Why? In the short run? Long run? The State of Wisconsin?
It has been argued by many that a well educated workforce is essential for competition in today's global economy. (I've spent considerable time in China where educating their children is a national obsession.) If this is accurate, then could one argue that education is a matter of national security? Is this accurate? If it is, it would follow then that well trained, competent teachers, the linchpin of all educational exchanges, are essential to national security. If it is accurate, will Wisconsin students benefit or lose if the bill, as written, is passed?
What about other parts of the bill?
I am certain you can come up with numerous other categories of participants for whom these fundamental questions are valid, not to mention a plethora of equally vexing issues tied to this legislation. I'd very much like to hear what are your thoughts on any of these questions. (If you are a Wisconsin resident or student, please say so.) If possible please explain your position on loss or benefit with some data or verifiable/testable hypothesis so those commenting on your post can use the same or similar standards to support or challenge your analysis.
I look forward to hearing what you believe are the best answers.